Restorative Services

Restorative services dental x-ray

Silver Diamine Fluoride

Silver diamine fluoride, or SDF, works to help prevent dental cavities from forming or spreading to other teeth. Its goal is to remineralize small areas of decay in the tooth's enamel or to stop the progression of larger areas of decay. As conservative approach to active dental decay, SDF treatment does not necessarily prevent the need for future treatments such as a filling, but it may be able to delay or mitigate the extent of later treatments. This treatment is gently brushed onto the area of decay and is easily tolerated by children of all ages.

Composite (White) Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are the most lifelike material used to fill cavities. Composite fillings can be done in one visit. Once the decay is removed, the tooth is filled with this composite material that hardens immediately after placement.

Pulp Treatment (Pulpotomy/Pulpectomy/Baby Root Canal)

If the inner chamber of the tooth, known as the dental pulp, is invaded by the cavity, it will gradually deteriorate and become infected. The root canal process involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning out the chamber and roots (if needed), and filling the chamber and/or canals with a material that will help restore the tooth until it is time for in to normally exfoliate ( fall out on its own naturally).

Dental Crowns

Crowns are used to restore damaged or decayed teeth in children. Crowns completely cover the remaining tooth structure after it has been treated. They can be made of many different materials, including stainless steel, composite materials, polycarbonate, resin, porcelain, and zirconia. We offer several different options, allowing us to choose what is best for each child and each tooth.


A tooth that can not be saved with restorative materials may need to be removed. Before removing the tooth, the area will be numbed with local anesthesia. The tooth is then loosened using a special dental instrument known as an elevator. After the tooth is loosened from the socket, it is removed.